Friday, September 13, 2013

Simplifying Verbs: Too Childish?

I was teaching a fantastic student today and we started on the dreaded subject of verbs. Dreaded, because there's no way around them. Sooner or later -- and sooner is better -- we're gonna have to learn how verbs work in Japanese. Thankfully, it is not the chore it might be with some other languages, like English, French or German. It's actually remarkably regular and quite easy to get a grasp on ALL verbs and their conjugations once you have learned a small core.

But the idea came to me to present them as Lego blocks, so the mind could compartmentalize them into little modules that you can slot in and out of a given base to change the base's meaning. Japanese is ideal for this, because the verbs are so regular.

Thus, I present to you my first chart, no doubt the first of many to come, where you can build Japanese verbs like you build little Lego constructions.

The verb we're using today is "taberu," meaning "to eat."

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