Sunday, September 29, 2013

Abstract Expressionism In Conversation

So here we have our first brief introduction to learning spoken Japanese the way it tends to be spoken by the Great Unwashed. What's cool about this is the random and arbitrary nature of the entries, just as in real life — slapdash and badly conceived, like the majority of projects initiated by humans, and assigned to baffle and confuse the unwary or unprepared. Umm, just kidding.

For anyone never having heard spoken Japanese except for Teacher's and maybe some cartoons you might want to listen to the various intonations I give some of them in order for you not actually "kill" your next door neighbor instead of just "tell" the pleasant fellow of your discovery of this awesome video which you should listen to over and over again until you know all the phrases backwards as well as sideways and can flirt with the opposite sex with as a weapon of mass love-action as well as a love-surfactant.

Whatever your "thang" is, this little tiny lesson of Umms and Uhhs should take your progress with learning Japanese into the troposphere at warp factor ∞!

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