Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Graduation 卒業

Congratulations to Mathieu, who, in seven lessons altogether, has proceeded to go-dan; that is, Level Five. Level Five is marked by the first time we actually progress to have an unscripted, unaided conversation (no crib notes, nothing to look at), the content of which is my choosing.

This time, I chose a typical conversation in which I asked him about his last week and what he did during in it. He managed to inform me that he finished some tests in university which was a big weight off his shoulders, and that he had not had time to do anything of note that was fun on his couple of days away from school, because he worked.

This tested his working knowledge and usage of the past tense, knowledge of relatively simple vocabulary (but not simple to a beginning student) and demonstrated his mastery of all the topics we had covered in class to this point.

His reward was a yukata (the white robe pictured) and when he passes his yoh-dan (fourth level) in about two months (another 8 lessons or so) I should be able to track down a jacket such as the one he is wearing in photograph #2, which unfortunately is mine and not for the giving away of which. Ever. because THAT jacket was my passing of the Dai-Ichi-oku-dan (the one-millionth level) which is unattainable except for the dligentest of the diligentest of the most diligent acolytes of the Nihingo no tenshin-dan 日本語の天神団 (Heavenly God Level), which, nonetheless awaits the he/she who masters the 600 prescribed verbs and Four Ancient Command Line Interfaces, which, needless to say, is quite difficult.

But not impossible. Congratulations, Mathieu-san; from here on in you shall be addressed as マッシュウウテッキュウ巻きちゃん.


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